Launch of a new brand
“GO” that creates
fun and new value in life

Launch of a new brand
“GO” that creates
fun and new value in life
私たちは、お客さまの暮らしに、新しい価値と楽しさを創造するため、課題を発見し、アイデアを実行して解決する「DO IDEA」をミッションに掲げ、不動産の枠を超え、生活を豊かにする多彩なサービスで、楽しい暮らしを世界中に届けていきます。
"GO" is a brand created to bring the crasco Group's corporate vision, "GOFUN (FAN): Increasing the number of people and fans around the world who enjoy life," closer to our customers.In order to create new value and enjoyment in our customers' lives, we have a mission of "DO IDEA," which is to discover issues, implement ideas, and solve them.We go beyond the framework of real estate and enrich lives. With a variety of services that make life easier, we will continue to deliver a more enjoyable lifestyle to people all over the world."GO" is a symbol that connects our thoughts and actions, and is a brand that continues to take on challenges to make future lives more enjoyable.
Increase the number of "people who enjoy life" and "fans" around the world
Discover issues and solve them by "execution of ideas"
Each staff member becomes a professional
This brand logo was created as a symbol that connects our thoughts and actions.
As a unified brand for group companies in Ishikawa, Tokyo, and Saitama to realize the corporate vision GOFUN, we will improve brand recognition, increase direct contact with customers nationwide, and provide "fun" to many people. We deliver "Satisfaction" and "Value". This is an important step for the GO brand to increase trust and recognition nationwide while leveraging its community-based strengths.
今回、新たに掲げたタグライン「GO FUN LIFE」には、これまでの取り組みをさらに進化させ、「お客様にもっと楽しい人生を届けたい」という想いが込められています。このタグラインを通じて、ダイバーシティ(多様性)の尊重、サステナブルな社会の実現、そしてSDGs(持続可能な開発目標)に基づき取り組みを強化し、多様化するニーズに応え、LGBTQ+を含むすべての人が安心して暮らせる住環境を提案していきます。
「GO FUN LIFE」のメッセージを通じて、私たちは「楽しい」という価値を世界中に広げていきます。
Our new tagline, "GO FUN LIFE," reflects our desire to further evolve our past initiatives and deliver a more enjoyable life to our customers. Through this tagline, we will respect diversity, realize a sustainable society, and strengthen our efforts based on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), respond to diversifying needs, and ensure that all people, including LGBTQ+, are safe. We will propose a living environment where you can live with care.Through the message of "GO FUN LIFE," we will spread the value of "fun" around the world.
私たちは、世の中の課題を発見し、「DO IDEA」アイデアを実行して解決し、新たな価値を創り出します。そのすべては、誰もが楽しめる「GO FAN LIFE」の実現につながっています。
We discover problems in the world, solve them by implementing "DO IDEA" ideas, and create new value. All of this leads to the realization of a "GO FAN LIFE" that everyone can enjoy.Fill your daily life with excitement and continue to take on challenges together with your friends.We envision a future in which boring spaces are transformed into fun and attractive places through ideas and design.And we will deliver a happy life to everyone around the world.
「GO FUN LIFE」の実現を目指して進化を続けています。デジタル技術やAIの活用により、利便性を高めるだけでなく、新たな価値を付加したサービス開発にも力を入れています。
We continue to evolve with the aim of realizing "GO FUN LIFE." By utilizing digital technology and AI, we are focusing not only on improving convenience but also on developing services that add new value.
従来の賃貸住宅に新しい価値を付加し、幅広いニーズに応えることで不動産オーナーの 収益の向上を実現。
Our own brand ``Renotta'' develops a variety of design concepts and proposes unique and attractive living spaces that respect the diversity of gender, age, and lifestyle, and has over 10,000 rooms in over 500 types nationwide. We offer rooms. By adding new value to conventional rental housing and responding to a wide range of needs, we are increasing the profits of real estate owners.
A project that renovated a dilapidated housing complex and restored the value of the property. Through ideas and design, the housing complex has been revitalized and made into a popular property, with DIY spaces and ecological renovations that reuse old parts of public housing demolished as part of the project, reducing costs and creating well-designed rooms. .
人気が高まっている「サ活」。そんな人気のサウナを賃貸のお家でも日常の中でもプライベートサウナを楽しんでいただけるよう、「PREMIUM SAUNA LIFE」を新たに開発。
ダイバーシティが重視される 現代社会における新たな暮らしの在り方を提示。
“Sakatsu” is becoming increasingly popular. We have newly developed "PREMIUM SAUNA LIFE" so that you can enjoy such a popular sauna in your rental home or in your daily life. Presenting a new way of living in a modern society where diversity is valued.
近年話題の「推し活」人口の増加を受け、「OTAKU LIFE」というリノベーション物件を企画・デザイン。推し活を楽しむための空間だけでなく、多様な趣味や価値観を受け入れるダイバーシティの象徴となる住環境を提案しています。
プレスリリースはこちらIn response to the increase in the population of ``Oshikatsu'', which has become a hot topic in recent years, we planned and designed a renovated property called ``OTAKU LIFE''. We are proposing not only a space to enjoy your pursuits, but also a living environment that is a symbol of diversity and accepts a variety of hobbies and values.
クラスコグループが提供する多彩なサービスは、すべて「GO FUN LIFE」を実現するための一環として展開されています。それぞれのサービスは、お客様の生活をより楽しく、便利に、そして快適にすることを目指して設計されています。
The diverse services provided by the crasco Group are all developed as part of realizing "GO FUN LIFE." Each service is designed to make your life more enjoyable, convenient, and comfortable.
「GO FUN LIFE」を体現した
クラスコは、「GO FUN LIFE」を体現する拠点として本社オフィスを新たにリニューアルしました。このオフィスは、「不動産オーナー様」「お部屋探しや入居中のお客様」「不動産会社様」など、主要なお客様層に対応可能な多機能な空間となっています。
crasco has newly renovated its head office as a base that embodies "GO FUN LIFE." This office is a multi-functional space that can accommodate major customer groups such as "real estate owners," "customers looking for a room or moving in," and "real estate companies."
クラスコ本社オフィスは、スタッフが働きやすい環境と、お客様に最適なサービスを提供する空間を両立させ、「GO FUN LIFE」を実現する拠点として進化しました。クラスコはこれからも、新たなライフスタイルと価値をお客様に届ける取り組みを推進してまいります。
The crasco head office has evolved into a base that realizes "GO FUN LIFE" by providing a comfortable working environment for staff and a space that provides optimal services to customers. crasco will continue to promote initiatives that deliver new lifestyles and value to customers.
石川県内の6拠点(金沢けやき通り店、金沢駅前店、野々市店、横川店、小松店、売買 県庁前店)に加え、首都圏4拠点(東京新宿店、所沢店、浦和店、川越店)を含む全国10拠点体制が整い、「GO賃貸」「GO売買」を展開することで、さらなるサービス強化を実現しています。北陸No.1の実績で、賃貸も売買もお客様の理想を実現する最適なご提案をいたします。
In addition to 6 locations in Ishikawa Prefecture (Kanazawa Keyaki-dori store, Kanazawa Ekimae store, Nonoichi store, Yokogawa store, Komatsu store, buying and selling Kanazawa store), we have 4 locations in the metropolitan area (Tokyo Shinjuku store, Tokorozawa store, Urawa store, Kawagoe store) We have established a system of 10 locations nationwide, including ``GO Rental'' and ``GO Buying and Selling,'' further strengthening our services. With the No. 1 track record in Hokuriku, we will make the best proposals to realize your dreams, whether it's for rental or sales.
The crasco Group has launched a new point system called "GO Points" for real estate owners and tenants. GO Points are awarded to tenants who live in crasco Group properties, customers who use our services, and rental owners who are entrusted with property management, through monthly payments, etc. It's a system that gives you a good return.Furthermore, you can use the points you have accumulated to help you with your new life when you move. Specifically, points can be used to cover a portion of the brokerage fees incurred when moving, supporting the start of a new life at a great value.
これからも「GO FUN LIFE」を軸に、お客様の暮らしを豊かにする新たな挑戦を続けます。住まいだけでなく、生活全般を支える幅広いサービスを通じて、すべての人に楽しさと快適さを届ける存在であり続けます。
We will continue to take on new challenges to enrich the lives of our customers, centered on "GO FUN LIFE." We will continue to be a presence that brings fun and comfort to everyone through a wide range of services that support not only housing but also life in general.